Hello everyone 👋,
I would like to share a Stencil + Firebase + Stencil Store boilerplate.
I was searching for a good boilerplate to start with Firebase
and Stencil
but did not find any. So I thought to create my own one.
Git Hub Repo link Stencil Firebase
In this boilerplate i tried to demonstrate how we can
- Configure Firebase in stencil web application
- Configure Stencil Store
- Configure Stencil Router
- Protecting routes
- Implement Login/Register/Update Profile/Logout
- How to setup custom project related configuration in stencil application
Styling 💀
For styling i have used scss
, however i focus more on features than styling.
Folder Structure 🗄️
│ ├───icon
│ └───scss
│ ├───app-flash-message
│ ├───app-home
│ ├───app-root
│ ├───auth
│ │ ├───login
│ │ ├───profile
│ │ └───register
│ ├───common
│ └───page
│ └───home
Please feel free to use it and feedback are always welcome.
Contributing 👏
- Pull requests and 🌟 stars are always welcome.
- For changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Contact 📧
🐦 Twitter @ranjeetsingh_bl
💼 Linkedin @ranjeetsinghbnl